« Adventures into ptrace(2) Hell

Aleksa Sarai

containers free software rant runc suse

03 July 2016

bound by the license of that project. At the time of writing, the license is the GNU General Public License version 3 (or later).

Because rootless containers only map a single user into their user namespace, many syscalls will either give confusing values or fail for reasons that the program doesn’t understand. For example, all attempts to setuid(2) will fail because no other user is mapped in the user namespace the process is in. Similarly, getgroups(2) will give very odd results (it returns unmapped supplementary groups in the array with the magical value of /proc/sys/kernel/overflowgid). There are similar issues with many other syscalls, but you get the idea.

In order to clean this up, we’ll need to override the return values of syscalls the process encounter. There are two way of doing this:

  1. Use LD_PRELOAD to override glibc‘s defined symbols for all of the syscall wrappers. While this doesn’t technically count as modifying syscalls, it has a very similar effect. Unfortunately it only works on programs that have been linked against glibc and don’t use syscall(2) at any point. I implemented this method first, and it’s not really that useful (it doesn’t correctly propogate over execve even after I did some horrible things with memfd_create(2)) or interesting.

  2. Use ptrace(2) to intercept every syscall entry and exit. If it’s a syscall we’re interested in, pass the syscall arguments to our shims and then override the return value of the syscall with the return value of the shim. This is the “correct” way of doing this (implying that there is a “correct” way of doing something this hacky), but it requires descending into something that I like to call “ptrace(2) hell”. To everyone that I met while debugging all of these issues, I apologise for talking your ear off about how much pain I was in.

So, time to descend into ptrace(2) hell. I hope you brought some popcorn.

Tracing a Process (and Failing)

So, the first step is to create a process and trace it. Naturally, this was far harder than it needed to be. It turns out that ptrace(2) uses signals to message the tracer about debugging events. That is such a horrible idea, I really don’t know what to say. If you’re bored, read through the BUGS section in the man page for ptrace(2). It’s a pretty good read, if you’re not trying to use the damn thing.

So, there are two (actually three, but we don’t care about the third) ways of attaching a process as a tracer for another process (the tracee):

  1. ptrace(PTRACE_ME, 0, NULL, NULL) will implicitly make the parent process the tracer of the current process. This is all done without any consent of the parent process (it took me a while to figure this out, but these two methods are completely separate and shouldn’t ever be mixed).

  2. ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, pid, NULL, NULL) will make the current process the tracer of pid. If pid was already a tracee, this call will fail.

It should be noted that none of these techniques are instantaneous, and so you’ll need to know about ptrace(2) internals in order to use them. Luckily this bit of black magic is in the man page. To skip forward a bit, each time that you do ptrace(PTRACE_SYSCALL, pid, NULL, NULL) you take the current process from a “stop” state to a “run” state. So if you use SIGSTOP on the process, the effect will be magically reverted once you try to do anything with the process. Lovely.

The upshot is that if you want to create a new process and then make it traceable (nicely) by the parent, you’ll need to do this.

#define die(...) \
    do { \
        fprintf(stderr, "[E:%s] ", __progname); \
        fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \
        fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \
        exit(1); \
    } while(0)

static void tracee(int argc, char **argv)
    if (ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, NULL, NULL) < 0)
        die("child: ptrace(traceme) failed: %m");

    /* Make sure tracer starts tracing us. */
    if (raise(SIGSTOP))
        die("child: raise(SIGSTOP) failed: %m");

    /* Start the process. */
    execvp(argv[0], argv);

    /* Should never be reached. */
    die("tracee start failed: %m");

static void tracer(pid_t pid)
    int status = 0;

    /* Wait for child to be ready for us to attach. */
    if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0)
        die("waitpid failed: %m");
    if (!WIFSTOPPED(status) || WSTOPSIG(status) != SIGSTOP) {
        kill(pid, SIGKILL);
        die("tracer: unexpected wait status: %x", status);
    /* Set ptrace options here if you want to. */

     * Note that none of the above code actually explicitly states that
     * they want to trace a process. That is not a mistake, it's the
     * ptrace API (but it's very easy to confuse the two).

     /* At this point we can safely use PTRACE_SYSCALL. */

/* (argc, argv) are for the child process we're going to trace. */
void shim_ptrace(int argc, char **argv)
    pid_t pid = fork();
    if (pid < 0)
        die("couldn't fork: %m");
    else if (pid == 0)
        tracee(argc, argv);

    die("should never be reached");

If you don’t use raise(SIGSTOP) then you have a race condition against execve and the the process being put into a “stop” state by the parent. I’m not really sure why ptrace(TRACE_ME, 0, NULL, NULL) doesn’t do that, since I can’t think of a case where you wouldn’t want to do that.

After that, you’re ready to trace syscalls. You always use waitpid(2) to wait for the process to hit a syscall. This fact will be important later.

Assembly at a Distance

ptrace(2) is incredibly odd, in that it feels like you’re writing assembly that operates on a distant purpose. For example, ptrace(2) exposes all of the CPU registers on the current architecture. If you want to get any information from the process, you’re going to need to essentially write assembly code. In C. Using ptrace(2).

In general, this isn’t too bad. Of course, the documentation doesn’t tell you the right header to #include in order to get the definition of the magical register macros. But hey, that’s part of the fun! As another fun kick, they also tell you that another structure exposed by the kernel (struct user) even though it is exposed by the same body of code that exposes the ptrace(2) API. Some questions are best not asked.

NOTES The layout of the contents of memory and the USER area are quite operating-system- and architecture-specific. The offset supplied, and the data returned, might not entirely match with the definition of struct user.

Anyway, ignoring all of that confusion the API is not that bad. You can just do the following in order to get any argument of a syscall (this will only work if you’re in a syscall entry).

/* This is all for amd64. */
#include <sys/reg.h>

/* Gets the syscall number. */
long ptrace_syscall(pid_t pid)
    return ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKUSER, pid, sizeof(long)*ORIG_RAX);

/* Gets any of the other arguments (I refuse to deal with stack-based syscalls). */
uintptr_t ptrace_argument(pid_t pid, int arg)
    int reg = 0;
    switch (arg) {
        /* %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8 and %r9 */
        case 0:
            reg = RDI;
        case 1:
            reg = RSI;
        case 2:
            reg = RDX;
        case 3:
            reg = R10;
        case 4:
            reg = R8;
        case 5:
            reg = R9;

    return ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKUSER, pid, sizeof(long) * reg, NULL);

Why is it sizeof(long)? Because of ptrace(2) internals. You’re essentially probing into something like struct user for the current state of the program. However, as mentioned before it isn’t necessarily actually struct user.

Entry and Exit

It turns out that ptrace(PTRACE_SYSCALL, 0, NULL, NULL) doesn’t really have any semantic information for syscalls. In particular, the entry and exit from a syscall are separate ptrace(2) events (which are indistinguishable from each other so you need to keep track yourself). It also means that you’ll have to keep track of the syscall number and arguments yourself.


The section on fork(2)-related options is quite benign. It just mentions that you can use PTRACE_SETOPTIONS to enable certain features of ptrace. For example, you can tell ptrace(2) to automatically start tracing any fork(2)ed processes:

PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE (since Linux 2.5.46) Stop the tracee at the next clone(2) and automatically start tracing the newly cloned process, which will start with a SIGSTOP, or PTRACE_EVENT_STOP if PTRACE_SEIZE was used. A waitpid(2) by the tracer will return a status value such that

status>>8 == (SIGTRAP | (PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE<<8))

The PID of the new process can be retrieved with PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG.

This option may not catch clone(2) calls in all cases. If the tracee calls clone(2) with the CLONE_VFORK flag, PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK will be delivered instead if PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK is set; otherwise if the tracee calls clone(2) with the exit signal set to SIGCHLD, PTRACE_EVENT_FORK will be delivered if PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK is set.

Of course, this is actually quite a bit more complicated. First of all, the documentation doesn’t mention that the event is actually only sent on the syscall exit. So you need to do all of your checks after that. In addition, this documentation has actually glossed over an incredibly important piece of information.

Once you have more than one process to trace, you need to figure out a way to use waitpid(2) to wait for all of the processes. Something that I hinted at earlier is that the fact that waitpid(2) is used to wait for syscalls to be hit by a tracee tells you a lot about ptrace(2) internals. If you read the waitpid(2) man page (this isn’t ever mentioned in the ptrace(2) man page even though it massively changes the semantics of process forking):

[waitpid(2) is] used to wait for state changes in a child of the calling process, and obtain information about the child whose state has changed.

What this means (when you read the section on PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE) is that using that flag and all of the related flags will make every forked tracee process a pseudo-child of the tracer. This is hinted towards in the ptrace(2) man page, but it doesn’t ever actually say this bit of oddness intentionally.

Setting the WCONTINUED flag when calling waitpid(2) is not recommended: the “continued” state is per-process and consuming it can confuse the real parent of the tracee. [emphasis added]

The use of the phrase “real parent” hints toward the fact that actually the tracee doesn’t become a “real” child of the tracer. It’s just another odd API quirk, where waitpid(2) magically works for traced processes even though they actually aren’t the child of the process. So that’s lovely. Oh, and if you’re surprised by the use of the word “confuse” in a man page don’t worry, there’s much more dubious language in the rest of the documentation.

Anyway, all of this means that you can actually wait for all of your ptrace(2)d children like so:

pid = waitpid(-1, &status, 0);
if (pid < 0)
    die("waitpid failed: %m");

You should note that this means that you could possibly get a different pid after you intercept a syscall entry. As I mentioned before, the two states are entirely indistinguishable so you’ll need to do something like keep a hashmap of what state each child process is in. It’s really not that pretty, but I personally needed to do that anyway. You’ll also need to make your tracing loop essentially a coroutine as a result.

The Result

While all of that might not sound that bad, it did take me a full week to figure out all of the quirks. I also played around with autoconf for a while as well. The less that’s said about that experience, the better (it was very not good).

If you want to use this tool, you can get the source from the repo. It’s all free software, so have at it. My plan is for people to use this in conjunction with rootless containers.

Unless otherwise stated, all of the opinions in the above post are solely my own and do not necessary represent the views of anyone else. This post is released under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license.

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