Blog Atom Feed [filter-by-tag: programming]

Inside these pages you will find a collection of my personal ramblings (including security disclosures, my thoughts on various topics, and anything else that I feel like writing about). All of the opinions stated here are solely my own, and are released under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license.

Tag: programming

Dockerinit and Dead Code Aleksa Sarai, 21 January 2016.

After running into insane amounts of very weird issues with gccgo with Docker, some of which were actual compiler bugs, someone on my team at SUSE asked the very pertinent question "just exactly what is dockerinit, and why are we packaging it?". I've since written a patch to remove it, but I thought I'd take the time to talk about dockerinit and more generally dead code (or more importantly, code that won't die).

docker free software programming suse

Tuple Unpacking Oddness Aleksa Sarai, 01 September 2015.

While working on tutoring the NCSS Challenge, I found a very interesting oddity of Python's tuple unpacking execution order. While it turns out this is very well documented, it isn't very intuitive (as with most edge cases in languages).

programming python

Getting into Linux Kernel Development Aleksa Sarai, 15 July 2015.

I've been interested in kernel development for a long time, and recently got some patches merged into the Linux kernel. Here are my experiences about the process of kernel development and what newbies can do to get started.

c free software kernel linux programming

Making a Simple Scheduler for an Arduino Aleksa Sarai, 12 January 2015.

The latest cool thing I worked on for NCSS in order to play "The Final Countdown" on a single Arduino Uno with proper chords. Also because I really wanted to write a scheduler, and this was a good excuse.

arduino c programming scheduler